Steven Lightle
Steven Lightle, 83, of Seattle, Washington, passed away on March 17, 2023 in Manila, Philippines. He was born in Chehalis in 1939 to Mary Jane and Melvin Lightle. When asked how he felt, Steve always said, “if I felt any better, I would be in Heaven"; and now he is in Heaven.
Steve was a businessman in Seattle in the 1960’s with a Triple X drive-in in Burien and later opened an Arco service station in Lake City called “Dippy Duck” car wash. Then, working with the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International (FGBMFI). Steve was given a vision by the Lord in 1974, about the downfall of the Soviet Union and the return of the Jewish people to Israel. He is a bestselling author of 2 books about the Jewish people coming home to Israel.
Preceded in death by his beloved wife Judy, and survived by his children Lynn and Michele, brother Warren and sister Judy, his grandchildren Rebecca, Michael and Jacob and four great-grandchildren.
Celebration of Life service will be held on Saturday, April 22nd, 10:00 AM at Cedar Park Church, 16300 112th Ave. NE, Bothell WA.
The Lightle family is receiving flowers. However, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made “In Memory of Steve Lightle ”to either Operation Exodus USA, PO Box 568, Lancaster, NY 14086 (https://operationexodususa.breezechms.com/give/online) or Ebenezer Operation Exodus International Christian ministries (https://ebenezer-oe.org/), assisting the Jewish people return to Israel. Please designate your gift for USA Or International.
Arrangements under the care of Chapel of the Resurrection Funeral Home, Bothell, WA 425-939-1332.
John Belanich
(Posted: October 31, 2024)
I knew Steve briefly in 1973 when he was the chief person, along with my parents, in praying for me to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and gift of tongues. But I was only 8 at the time, raised Catholic before that, and had no idea what was going on and the whole experience ended up being very traumatic to me, more than I realized until I had a very bad flashback of the experience in 04/2018. Instead of dealing with it properly at that time, I demonized Steve in my mind, cursing him out. I spoke to Steve in 08/2022 about the original incident in 1973 and, although he naturally did could not remember the event from nearly 50 years prior, we spoke about it and came to a point of reconciliation and forgiveness between us (or so I thought). But, unknowingly, I carried the anger and fear from that experience with me after that until recently when I had a new healing Doctor help me to find and release it. But there still seems to be a remnant left over, so I tried to call Steve just a while ago to talk to him about it and my demonizing of him back in 2018, which I had tried to contact him about in late 2022/ early 2023. But since his number is now disconnected, I searched for him online and found the news of his death here. While I cannot obviously speak to him in person, I am now taking this opportunity to "right my wrong" and ask for forgiveness from his still alive Spirit for demonizing and cursing him back in 2018. I was in an altered state of mind at the time due to the onset of Bipolar Disorder I at that time, but I nonetheless take responsibility for it. I trust that he can still "hear" me and know my sorrow for what I said & did, and that he will forgive me and I now fully accept that forgiveness. Thank you Steve for all you did in my own life and in the lives of thousands of Jews and others to whom you ministered to around the world. Shalom with Ahava אַהֲבָה (Love), John Belanich. -
(Posted: August 19, 2024)
(Posted: April 17, 2024)
Not jewish.... not elijah come again. -
Peter & Anna Yates
(Posted: November 23, 2023)
We were privileged to know Steve &Judy In the 1970’s when Steve landed in the Uk with a group from USA and the FGBMFI Uk was born - Steve’s unbounded enthusiasm was instrumental in the launch of our first meetings and the eventual establishment of over 200 chapters in the UK - His amazing humility and total reliance on his Lord for guiding him in and out of Russia in a truly miraculous way is legendary- Thank you Steve for your faithfulness - we will never forget you - take your crown and wear it with pride! 👑 - Peter & Anna Yates -
J. Gunnar Olson, Founder of ICCC
(Posted: October 13, 2023)
Having had the privilege by the grace of God to know Stephen Lightle from 1974, and oftentime working together with him both inFull Gospel Business Mens International on the European leadership level, and later also enjoying rich times of fellowship with him in Operation Exodus and International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), I wish to honor him and his memory. Stephen Lightle was a unique and annointed instrument in the pruposes of the Lord for our time. Eternity we will reveal the rich fruit of his humble walk in obedience to God's calling. I give thanks to the Lord for Stephen and for the glorious impact he has had on my life. To God be all the glory! -
Peter Flewelling
(Posted: October 09, 2023)
I knew Steve and Judy while attending Gold Creek Christian Center in Woodenville Wa, and and have shared often of God's calling on his life with bringing out of Russia, Jews back to their home land ! God be praised ! - Leave a Comment